How to buy

To buy in our online store, follow these steps:

1. Access our catalogue through the product categories presented on the website (by age, by collection or by looks) and use the filters to easily find what you are looking for.

2. Enter the desired product or products, select the size and the units you want to buy. Then, add them to the shopping cart by clicking on the “Add to bag” button.

3. Once you have selected what you want and added your products to the cart, go to the shopping cart icon located at the top right and click on “Pay now” to select the payment method.

4. Once you have completed the payment, you will receive an email with the order confirmation and receipt. From the “My account” button located at the top right, you can track your order and know when it has been sent.

Payment methods

Payment security is extremely important to us, which is why at Birinit Petit we have these payment methods:


You can pay for your purchase quickly with the PayPal payment system. If you choose this method, you also have the option of paying by credit card without having to register with PayPal.

Credit/debit card

Payment is made at the time of purchase and accepts VISA and MasterCard cards. It is a convenient and secure method. uses a secure server where all transmission of personal data travels encrypted using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol over the network. Furthermore, all bank details regarding your card are requested on the payment gateway of Banco La Caixa and does not have access to your card's confidential details at any time.


At you have the option to buy now and pay later with Aplázame. Buy when you need to and pay later. No small print and no interest. All the information here.

Information about items and prices

We make a great effort to ensure that Birinit Petit items appear on the website in their true colours, but we cannot guarantee that they will be displayed accurately on your computer.

Birinit Petit S.L. reserves the right to make, without prior notice, any changes it deems appropriate to its website, as well as to the prices of its products, and may change, delete or add content and services it provides, as well as the way in which they are presented or located.